Thursday, 27 October 2011

Doing a Larry

I nearly had an episode like this today. I bought myself a new stanley knife for work on the shedio but couldn't open the bloody packaging. I needed a sharp blade to cut it free! Oh, the irony of it all

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Gimme Shelter

Every Shedio build is managed by our professional site foreman. They get younger every year!
Isaac looking like a stereotypical builder & adjusting his jeans at any given opportunity

The roof is on & now needs to be made water tight which I will do later this week. I have since put ply on the left wall too. Things are taking shape very quickly

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Shedio Number Two

Well, it's been awhile since the last update & it's mainly due to the fact we have a new addition to the clan in the form of Ella. She arrived in April & it's been mad hectic (what with having Isaac too) since. Ella & Isaac watching boats on the Norfolk Broads.

So, the reason for this new post is I have embarked on another Shedio build & wanted to share some pics of progress so far...My Father-out-law - Richard - is helping me this time. Here we are putting the second door inObviously a cut hand is mandatory when doing this sort of thing!Next, cut your rafters & nail those suckers onThen, ponder progress & feel pretty pleased with yourselfThe story so far.....more to follow soon