Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Shedio Number Two

Well, it's been awhile since the last update & it's mainly due to the fact we have a new addition to the clan in the form of Ella. She arrived in April & it's been mad hectic (what with having Isaac too) since. Ella & Isaac watching boats on the Norfolk Broads.

So, the reason for this new post is I have embarked on another Shedio build & wanted to share some pics of progress so far...My Father-out-law - Richard - is helping me this time. Here we are putting the second door inObviously a cut hand is mandatory when doing this sort of thing!Next, cut your rafters & nail those suckers onThen, ponder progress & feel pretty pleased with yourselfThe story so far.....more to follow soon

1 comment:

Paul said...

Looking good!